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Preparing for the school year: A caregiver’s guide

Preparing early for the return to school can help kids with chronic conditions manage their condition and have a successful school year.


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Going back to school can be stressful for children and their parents. When your child has a chronic or long-term health condition or other special needs, that stress can multiply. Preparing early for the return to school can help kids manage their condition and have a successful school year.

Advocating for your child

As you help your child prepare for the school year, remember that you are your child’s best advocate. Schools are designed to meet the general needs of all children, but you will likely have to make sure your child’s specific needs are being met. The key is to be steady, assertive and fact-based.

Here are several ways you can be an effective advocate for your child:

  • Consider all your child’s needs: Think about not only your child’s age but also where they are socially and developmentally. Honestly assessing these needs will help you decide what resources your child might need to succeed in school.
  • Organize your paperwork: Keep track of all the paperwork about your child’s condition, and have it ready when you meet with school administrators. Take careful notes on discussions and agreements you have with administrators and teachers. Keep track of any paperwork that comes out of school meetings. Note when your child has school events or doctor’s appointments.
  • Attend school events: One of the best ways to advocate for your child is to participate in school activities. It will help you understand how the school system works and build relationships with teachers and staff members who can help you advocate for your child
  • Use school resources: Many schools now have websites or online tools where parents can see their children’s grades and learn about school events.
  • Communicate with the teacher and school nurse: If possible, meet with your child’s teachers at the start of the school year. Help them understand your child’s condition and needs
  • Know the school’s medication policy: Be sure to have all required documentation for your child’s medications and other related materials. Review these instructions with all school staff who help your child take their medication.

Help your child prepare for school

Working with your child’s school is important, but it’s just as important to help your child understand what the school year will bring. Here are some easy ways to do that:

  • Talk with your child: Discuss any fears they might have about the school year
  • Visit the school: If possible, have your child tour the school building before the year starts, so they can learn where everything is — their classroom, lunchroom, bathrooms and the nurse’s office
  • Make homework a habit: Talk with your child about homework before school starts. During the school year, make time to help them with their homework and make sure it gets done. A steady homework routine with a clear workspace will help
  • Have a stress reliever handy: Caregiving can be overwhelming at times. You can expect some negative thoughts and feelings. Before school starts, find a set of activities for you and your child that help you relax and feel refreshed. Focusing on healthy stress relief not only helps you remember the positives in your life; it also models good coping skills for your child.

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